Parker Score: Run Lethal

NB: A version of this post also appears at Existential Ennui.

Returning, belatedly, to the Parker Mega Score—that stack of Coronet paperback editions of the Parker novels I acquired over the summer—we have Run Lethal, published in the UK by Coronet/Hodder Fawcett under a Raymond Hawkey-designed “bullet hole” double-cover in 1972—the second […]

Review: Killing Time by Donald E. Westlake

NB: A version of this post also appears on Existential Ennui.

Thanks to a series of Westlake Scores, I’ve ended up reading—and reviewing—some of Donald E. Westlake’s earliest novels this year. I wrote about his debut novel—under his own name, that is; he’d had a number of pseudonymous sleaze works published prior […]

Like having a scorpion in the room: an interview with Darwyn Cooke on Richard Stark’s Parker: The Score


Darwyn Cooke does one in-depth interview for each volume in his series of comic book adaptations of Richard Stark’s [pseudonym of Donald Westlake] Parker novels. (Here are the interviews for The Hunter and The Outfit.) For his new one, The Score, he was kind enough to invite The Violent World of Parker to […]

Dan J. Marlowe and Earl Drake, 4: the Richard Stark and Parker of spy fiction

(NB: This post also appears on Existential Ennui.)

For Part 1, go here; for Part 2, go here; for Part 3, go here.

Much as Donald “Richard Stark” Westlake had done in his eighth Parker novel, The Handle (Pocket Books, 1966), with the third Earl Drake thriller, Operation Fireball (1969), Dan J. […]

The Grofield Files: The Dame (1969) by Richard Stark; a review

Time for the second of my reviews of Donald “Richard Stark” Westlake’s Parker spin-off Alan Grofield novels, which I’m re-posting from Existential Ennui ahead of a new review of the final book in the quartet, Lemons Never Lie. As with the previous review—of 1967’s The Damsel—you can, of course, find an alternative view of […]

Finally: The Handle/Hammett challenge winner announced

I know this is way late, but I just got off the road–I thought I’d have time to post from the road, but that didn’t work out.

So, for those of you just tuning in, or who have forgotten because this took so darned long, this was the challenge that novelist and Parker fan […]

Last call for a pull from The Handle

The contest Wallace Stroby and I put together to identify a reference in The Handle is drawing to a close. If you missed this earlier, details are here.

Entries will be accepted until midnight central time on Monday, April 11. I’ll be traveling, but will try to announce the winner from the road if […]

Contest: The Handle/Hammett challenge

In the comments section on the recent review of The Handle by Olman Feelyus (AKA regular commenter WalkerP) at his Olman’s Fifty blog, novelist and Parker fan Wallace Stroby noted that the novel contained a Dashiell Hammett reference. Since no one over there knew what it was (including me), Wallace suggested we […]

Guest slot: Richard Stark, Harry Bennett, Parker book covers, and The Seventh

Today’s guest piece is by Nick Jones, AKA Louis XIV, who blogs about books (and sometimes comics) at Existential Ennui. You may be (should be!) familiar with him, because I’ve frequently linked both his book reviews and the great covers he digs up as he obsessively collects Stark and Westlake titles. In fact, I’ve linked […]

U of C reprints: The Handle

Cover art for the new University of Chicago Press reprint of The Handle.

By the way, dear readers, I am told by a U of C representative that their Parker reprints are selling very well, and that they will be reprinting all of the books they have acquired the rights […]