Hard Case Crime review: Getting Off by Lawrence Block writing as Jill Emerson (#101)

So this girl walks into a bar…

When she walks out there’s a man with her. She goes to bed with him, and she likes that part. Then she kills him, and she likes that even better.

She cleans out his wallet and keeps moving, taking a new name for each change of address. […]

Lawrence Block’s Deadly Honeymoon

I’m going to quote quite liberally from this post at Lawrence Block’s new blog. Fortunately he did me the courtesy of creating a nice, long piece, so my significant chunk of borrowed words should fall under fair use. Thanks, Mr. Block!

It wasn’t my idea.

The premise of Deadly Honeymoon, […]

Lawrence Block’s trilogy of Parker forewords

Today, Mulholland Books posted Lawrence Block’s foreword to the University of Chicago Press edition of Butcher’s Moon. This means that all three of Block’s forewords, which form a trilogy of sorts, are now available for reading online.

The foreword to Butcher’s Moon, titled to make it more article-like “Canarsie and Westlake, Parker […]

Lawrence Block’s introduction to U of C Press’ Backflash

I know some people skip introductions, forewords, afterwords, &c. Not me. I love ’em. There are several posted on this site, and every single one of them is interesting.

Of course, on this site I can only post forewords and so on from out-of-print editions, usually long-out-of-print editions, and even then I’m walking a […]

Book review: In the Midst of Death by Lawrence Block

In the Midst of Death is the second in Lawrence Block’s Matthew Scudder series.

The good: We spend more time with Matthew Scudder, and learn more about Matthew Scudder. We learn more about his relationship with his former police department. We see that his alcoholism has advanced beyond the functional level it was at […]

2010: The year in Westlake

Note: New content will be light to non-existent for the next week or two, as I travel to celebrate a belated Christmas and an on-time New Year with my family back home.

In the meantime, I hope you enjoy this (very) hurriedly-written summary of 2010.

I hope that your holidays have been and will be […]

Review: The Sins of the Fathers by Lawrence Block (Matthew Scudder #1)


The victim was a savagely butchered young Greenwich Village hooker. The accused killer was the homosexual youth who was her roommate. When the suspect hanged himself in his cell everybody was happy.

…except Matt Scudder. Scudder was being paid to find out the truth about the […]

Hellcats and Honeygirls finally shipping

Hellcats and Honeygirls, an omnibus of three early sleaze novels by Lawrence Block and Donald Westlake, is finally shipping (about five weeks late). I got my copy today and it’s beautiful. In the flesh, the dustjacket looks even more gorgeous than the above image.

The novels included are:

A Girl Called Honey (first chapter […]

U of C reprints: Backflash

Here’s the cover of Backflash, third and last of the upcoming batch of University of Chicago Press reprints.

And with it comes good news. The previous reprints had one introduction shared amongst the three in the batch (except for the first batch which lacked intros entirely). For this […]

Good news from University of Chicago Press

Good news from the University of Chicago Press. They have secured the reprint rights for all of the Parker novels through Firebreak. The next batch of reprints (March 2011) will be Butcher’s Moon, Comeback, and Backflash.

Lawrence Block has introduction duty on Butcher’s Moon. Great choice.
