Announcing the winners of The Hunter giveaway!

The lucky winners of our drawing for brand-new copies of the University of Chicago Press reprint of The Hunter are:

Luke S. Craig C. David M. Stephen R.

Congratulations! I have e-mailed all of you. Get back to me with your mailing address and I’ll try to get them out this week.

Thank you […]

The Hunter giveaway!

Thanks to the generosity of Parker flash fiction contest winner Matt Racicot, I have four, count ’em, four brand-spanking-new copies of the University of Chicago edition of The Hunter to give away.

Here’s the catch, and it’s based on the honor system–you must not already have a copy of The Hunter. You […]

A quick note of thanks

I just wanted to say thanks to those of you who have pitched in since I asked for help in supporting the site.

If you’ve made a PayPal donation: PayPal is for some reason not notifying me when donations are received. Because of this, I only have the names, not the e-mail addresses, of those […]

The Spare Coin Score

I’ve resisted trying to make any money off of this site for as long as its been around, which is a little odd given that it’s all about a guy who is constantly trying to get money.

Anyway, as regular readers know, the economy has not been kind to me lately. I’ve managed to […]

A grab-bag post about libraries (and a bookstore)

A few months ago, I wrote a freelance informational (and promotional) article on behalf of the American Library Association about gaming at the library. That piece has just found a home at the Austin Post. It was written to encourage people to use libraries for a purpose they might not have considered as well […]

Site addition: Westlake bibliography

Finally got around to it!

I’m pleased to announce the addition of a Donald Westlake bibliography to The Violent World of Parker. It’s accessible from the tab at the top.

I’ve written some comments on the page regarding what’s there, what’s missing, and where I need […]

A couple of new blog features

I’ve added a couple of features to the blog.

The first is nested comments. You can now reply directly to a comment, and the comment threads can go five deep (I can set this higher, but I think five levels should be enough—we’ll see). I meant to have this on the […]

A personal note

Today marks the one-year anniversary of the death of Donald Westlake.

The new year marks the one-year anniversary of the relaunch of The Violent World of Parker. Although the relaunch wasn’t official until a month later, January 31st, I think of it as being born when I got word of Westlake’s […]

Merry Christmas!

“Christmas reminds us we are not alone. We are not unrelated atoms, bouncing and ricocheting amid aliens, but are a part of something, which holds and sustains us. As we struggle with shopping lists and invitations, compounded by December’s bad weather, it is good to be reminded that there are people in […]

Information management

It’s been just over two weeks since I started my Twitter account, and so far I’m very pleased. It provides me with an easy way to share information with you without cluttering up the blog with things that may not interest you. I already think of it as a very important part of […]