The VWOP Yahoo! group & newbie question

We’ve had a lot of comments here lately.

With exceptions (ahem!) this is a good thing. While we’ve always had a fairly regular supply, it was usually just a handful on any given post.

But this bounty isn’t without its difficulties. I can’t read, much less moderate, them all at the moment. Also, the long […]

Some scores, and hiatus

What do you do when money’s tight, but all of a sudden that saved search for a rare and precious object comes through five years after you set it?

You bloody well make the purchase, that’s what. Electricity, water, and cable will all be around later, but that Holy Grail may not be. OK, […]

The Violent World of Parker’s third anniversary!

Strap yourselves in and get ready to skim. This is going to be a long one.

About the Site

I think of the relaunched Violent World of Parker as having been born on New Year’s Day, 2009, the day after Donald Westlake died. But the half-formed results of the relaunch weren’t made public until […]

Limited edition Parker print by Darwyn Cooke

The Hero Initiative is the first-ever federally chartered not-for-profit corporation dedicated strictly to helping comic book creators in need. Hero creates a financial safety net for yesterdays’ creators who may need emergency medical aid, financial support for essentials of life, and an avenue back into paying work. It’s a chance for all […]

Donald Westlake’s official site relaunches

Donald Westlake’s official site has been dormant since his passing, and it didn’t see a whole lot of action before then.

Happily, Westlake’s son Paul has taken the reins, and a revamped launched a couple of weeks ago. It features a blog and a Twitter feed, and new goodies are being added at […]

Off topic: a short, exclusive interview with Dexter creator and author Jeff Lindsay, over on Existential Ennui

Jeff Lindsay photo Copyright © Ed Miller

Slight change of plan: as I mentioned on Wednesday, I had intended my next post on The Violent World of Parker to be on Joe Gores‘s Dead Skip, but I’ve just posted a short interview over on my other blog, Existential Ennui, which I figured might […]

Who the hell is this guy, and what the hell is he doing here?

Well after Trent’s kind but typically pithy introduction—nice touch with the poster for The Limey, sir—it seems only right and proper that I step up and say hello myself, in a rather more prolix fashion (as is my wont, as you’ll soon learn).

Some of you will already know me from my meandering musings […]

Introducing Nick Jones

Without actually looking it up, I’m confident that the one website I’ve linked the most in the past couple of years is Nick Jones’ Existential Ennui. So I came up with a dastardly plan–rather than just link him all the damn time, I decided to try to talk him into posting directly to this […]

Finally: The Handle/Hammett challenge winner announced

I know this is way late, but I just got off the road–I thought I’d have time to post from the road, but that didn’t work out.

So, for those of you just tuning in, or who have forgotten because this took so darned long, this was the challenge that novelist and Parker fan […]

Coming soon: guest contributors!


Since inception, I’ve done all of the writing for this site, except for the occasional e-mail or message board exchange reprinted with permission.

But once in awhile, I come across a piece on Parker, Donald Westlake, or crime fiction that is particularly excellent, interesting, or informative, and I think, “Man, I wish that […]