Review: Cockfighter by Charles Willeford


Charles Willeford’s Cockfighter is the story of Frank Mansfield, a professional cocker who has taken a vow that he will not speak until he wins the Cockfighter of the Year award for the Southern Conference circuit in which he competes. Achieving this will require enormous work, because he is destitute after losing everything […]


I’m embarrassed to say that, until now, I hadn’t read a Charles Willeford book. I own a few, but had never quite gotten around to them.

The good folks at PictureBox were kind enough to send me their new edition of Willeford’s Cockfighter. I nearly gasped when I opened the packaging–without knowing a thing […]

An essay on The Hunter by Duane Swierczynski, plus 100 thrillers

Duane Swierczynski (or, as I like to call him, “Coach K”) is the author of, amongst many others, The Wheelman, a most excellent Parker homage–I’ve been meaning to give it a proper writeup for some time now, but I can’t find my (inscribed!) copy in order to deliver the reread and writeup it deserves. […]

A Dance to the Music of Time by Anthony Powell–get a Westlake favorite for free

Sternberg stripped to his boxer shorts, turned down the bed, settled himself comfortably with the pillows behind his back, and opened the Anthony Powell novel he’d started on the plane. It was Magnus Donners he wanted to identify with, but he kept finding his sympathies going to Widmerpool.


Review: Gun in Cheek by Bill Pronzini

Justin’s glance dropped to the gracefully formed cleft which separated breasts made as stout and round as summer melons. Then he appraised the contour of her hips and legs and felt a queerness coursing through his veins–for this was a woman!

–from One Man’s Crime by Lynton Wright Brent

Gun […]

Review: Impossibly Funky: A Cashiers du Cinemart Collection, edited by Mike White

Cashiers du Cinemart was my favorite magazine during its existence, and I devoured every issue I could get my hands on. Its pretension-bursting title was clever enough, but its contents were the real reward–each issue was packed cover-to-cover with a wild array of film-geek topics that for the most part lined up quite nicely […]