One of the very best items in the archives of this site is an interview with Donald Westlake from a 1988 issue of The Armchair Detective. Recently, I was contacted by someone who pointed out to me that the PDF viewer was no longer working. It turns out that the company that made the viewer and hosted the PDF had gone out of business and the article was no longer accessible.
I’ve installed a new PDF viewer, but it isn’t working correctly. This is probably due to rubber-bands-and-paperclips nature of this website rather than any fault of the developer.
So you can’t read the piece on the site. But you can click on the link, and either open or download the PDF.
But not here! I’m going to send you back to the original post.
I know that there are a few more PDF embeds for me to find and repair. Which means more chances for me to show off some great stuff that you might not have known seen!
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Thanks, Trent.
A great interview! Glad you recalled it to mind AND access for everyone.
Nice work.
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