In February 2021, Hard Case Crime is re-releasing Castle in the Air, which has been out of print for forty years.
I’m excited about this one, as it’s eluded me at used book stores.
WITH A FRENCH CONNECTION.When four groups of international heist artists team up to pull off the theft of the century—stealing an entire castle, and the treasure hidden in its walls—what could possibly go wrong? Well, consider this: none of the master thieves speak each other’s languages…and no one knows precisely where the loot is stashed…and every one of them wants to steal it all for him or herself. It’s MWA Grand Master Donald E. Westlake at his wildest, a breathless slapstick chase through the streets of Paris only one step ahead of the law—and each other.
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I picked up a used copy of this one , a Swedish translation, awhile ago and it was a blistering read. Very fastpaced and funny. Cant wait to read it in its original english form.
I thought I had heard of all Westlake’s works. I guess I was wrong.