I’m very excited about this. IDW Publishing has just announced Richard Stark’s Parker: The Martini Edition: Last Call.
For those of you not familiar with the first Martini Edition, it was released in 2011 and was a massive, and I mean massive slipcased volume containing the first two of Darwyn Cooke’s already-classic comic book adaptations of The Hunter and The Outfit. But there was more. So, so much more. For a look at it, see my review.
With both Darwyn’s tragic death and the passing of years, I had given up on a second volume, but it is coming in September 2020. Announced contents include (per the IDW site):
- The Score
- Slayground
- More than 100 pieces of never-before-seen Parker art by Darwyn Cooke
- A roundtable talk with Ed Brubaker, Sean Phillips, Bruce Timm, and Scott Dunbier on Parker and Darwyn Cooke
- A brand-new 17-page story by Multiple Eisner Award-winning creators Ed Brubaker & Sean Phillips
I know without having to ask that this is a labor of love for Scott Dunbier of IDW, and I know it’s going to be amazing.
List price is $99.99, but…
<turns into guy hawking commemorative plates on TV>:
You will treasure it for a lifetime!
But wait!
There’s more!
The first volume is coming back into print as well!
So if you missed out in 2011, coming soon is your chance, and it may be your last chance, to acquire that handsome volume as well!
</TV guy>
If ever books were worth $100 a pop, these are them. Start saving your pennies.
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Referring to the first volume you write “…volume containing the first two of Darwyn Cooke’s already-classic comic book adaptations of The Hunter and The Score. ” I think you meant The Hunter and The Outfit.
I did indeed. Corrected. Thanks!