A personal note, before we begin.
My mother-in-law, Betty, is suffering from Alzheimer’s. It came on quick, where the mama I knew for many years was suddenly not the same person. She remembers Becky the Rodeo Rider visiting her, not entirely clear that that was a dream, but thinks I’ve been avoiding her even though I brought her a new set of clothes, a dresser, and a television just a week prior.
Memory is a precious thing. Watching Mama’s sad decline made me recall one of my favorite Donald Westlake novels, the posthumously published Memory, where the protagonist doesn’t have any memory. If I had read it when it was written, I would have thought Memento ripped it off. But there was no way for me, the screenwriter, or the director, to have read it. They do make a neat pair of compare and contrast.
I thought I had written a proper review of it, but my memory failed. Looking at the archives, I never wrote that piece. I did do a podcast about it with Jesse Willis of SFFaudio and the sadly late Gregg Margarite. I’ve never listened to it, but I don’t think I embarrassed myself.
Memory is a hell of a book. Losing your memory is a hell of a thing. Betty doesn’t remember me coming to see her, but she remembers Becky the Rodeo Rider, who doesn’t exist. It’s heartbreaking.
This is my long-winded (as usual) way of letting you know that I’m participating in the Walk to End Alzheimer’s a couple of weeks from now. First time I’ve done something like this, but it’s personal. I’d love to raise a few bucks. Links below, all more fun than this subject.
Link roundup.
- Tom Simon reviews The Jugger at Paperback Warrior: https://t.co/KVKvff6bRo ->
- This piece is from a few years back but worth visiting or revisiting. Shaft and the Ghosts of Ernest Tidyman by Steve Aldous, at The Rap Sheet: https://t.co/YCm8e929Wv ->
- Help pick the title of the next installment of Max Allan Collins’ Quarry series: https://t.co/WdZBlzdYMJ ->
- Levi Stahl at CrimeReads: The Mind of Donald E Westlake –
The Letters, Books, and Films of a Crime Legend https://t.co/4fUjWrKRUm -> - A review of The Sour Lemon Score at Paperback Warrior. https://t.co/A7TtgZlZlA ->
- Tom Simon reviews The Rare Coin Score at Paperback Warrior: https://t.co/wYsgrKORBI ->
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I doubt anyone, ever, has written such a perceptive haunting story about memory loss. And you know, in crime/suspense fiction, amnesia is a constantly recurring plotline–“I don’t remember who I am, what I did–who are these people who seem to know something about me? What mystery to I have to solve? Who is this beautiful woman taking an interest in me?” There’s a terrific little noir in that vein–“The Crooked Way” with John Payne. But I could probably find scores of others, films, paperbacks, comics, etc.
Westlake takes that meme and subverts it–there’s nothing glamorous about memory loss. It’s the worst thing that can happen to you, and the most destructive blow life can strike at your sense of self. And it can be a lot more than just losing your past. You can lose your present and future too.
I think he put the book away because it scared even him.
Sorry about your mother in law. But at least she’s still got some good memories from the past, and with Alzheimer’s those are the last to go. Good luck with the walk.
Thank you! I feel a little helpless at the moment, so raising a little dinero for the cause is the least I can do.
A couple of other noir-ish novels involving memory loss are Night Walker by Donald Hamilton, which is great, and Death in a Dead Place by Ennis Willie, which I can’t say is great but is loads of fun. Definitely more fun than the current situation.
I wrote a review of the latter.