Prayers for a friend and honorary founder

Image result for Mark Finn blood and thunder


Hey, folks (whatever folks are left), I know it’s been awhile since I’ve been here. I started a new job and have been travelling a lot, so regular blogging has been tough.

I do want to say a few words, now, though, on a sad topic.

Mark Finn introduced me to Parker. He was working at a comic shop, and I was shopping there, and we got to talking. He recommended the books and I started picking them up. I initially started this site as The Parker Page on Geocities. It was pretty much just a list of the books in order, because at the time, that was difficult information to find! (I had to go to the university library here in Austin.)

Anyway, the site progressed and Mark moved on to bigger and better things, including authoring Blood & Thunder: The Life and Art of Robert E. Howard, an acclaimed biography of the man. But we’ve been friends ever since that fateful day at the comic shop, even though I don’t see him very often.

In a touching post, Mark has announced that his wife has stage three cancer.

I consider Mark an honorary founder of this site, and, more importantly, a friend. So, Mark, buddy, your wife and you are in my prayers.

And I know a lot of REH fans read this site–how about picking up Mark’s book?