Hey, all! Mickey Spillane’s 100th birthday just passed, so I’ve linked the best pieces I found on that subject. Some other good stuff as well. Have a great week!
- Dan Marlowe’s The Name of the Game is Death reviewed at Paperback Warrior: https://t.co/UuKZ2yymYy ->
- Friday’s forgotten books – 3/9/18: https://t.co/khk7cZDUTm ->
- RT @wallacestroby: On what would have been Mickey Spillane’s 100th birthday, here’s the obituary I wrote for the
@starledger July 18, 2006: http://www.wallacestroby.com/writings_spillane.html … - RT @jpwrites1: Today marks the 100th anniversary of hard-boiled fictionist Mickey Spillane’s birth. By way of celebrating, The Rap Sheet has posted a definitive interview with his friend and now-frequent collaborator, Max Allan Collins.
- Bradley Cooper supposed to star as Matt Helm. We’ll see if this makes it further than his Mack Bolan, Executioner project https://t.co/qZXNhTa4t4 ->
- “Older readers of Cinema Retro may remember the Miller Lite TV commercials in which Spillane spoofed himself.” I’m an older reader! <Sigh>. Anyway, Raymond Benson pens a review of Mickey Spillane on Film, by Max Allan Collins and James L. Traylor.
- Andrew Nette at Pulp Curry: The heist always goes wrong, part 4: 10 more heist films you’ve never seen: https://t.co/0XfinEsbEX ->
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Um–which Matt Helm? Hamilton’s or Dino’s? (googles) The former, it seems.
Not a lot of people read those nowadays. But spies are in again. Cooper doesn’t resemble the character from the book, who looks like an ordinary man in his late 30’s. He can’t sing, so he might as well try playing it straight. (Then again, he might enjoy taking bubble baths with the latest incarnation of Stella Stevens.)
Why do I think this is mainly a chance to take advantage of a 007 Interregnum?
In a hurry today, I wrote, “I’ve linked the few pieces I’ve found on that subject.” (Spillane). I meant to write, “I’ve linked the best pieces I’ve found on that subject.” I read many more than what is linked.
FF: Cooper’s big enough and good enough to make a go of it, I think, and I doubt the product could be worse than the last 007 film. I’d like a straight interpretation, but I wouldn’t mind if they put in a sneaky musical reference to The Silencers somewhere.
On my Gold Medal Helm book covers, he looks late forties after a thirty year diet of cigarettes and whiskey.