News for week ending 2018-02-24 (open thread)

Due to a home renovation project that is way over schedule, I haven’t much time in the past three weeks or so to read, much less write. Here are some items of interest from my downtime.

  • Mickey Spillane’s Mike Hammer comes to comics, courtesy of Hard Case Crime. ->
  • I recently learned that crime novelist Bill Crider passed away. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family and many friends. ->
  • Brian Greene at Criminal Element reviews Help I Am Being Held Prisoner: ->
  • Darwyn Cooke’s comic book adaptation of Slayground will be released in paperback on 2/27/18: ->
  • Tom Simon at Paperback Warrior–Searching for the D.C. Man: ->
  • James Reasoner reviews The Black Ice Score at his Rough Edges blog. ->

I hope to be back soon!

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