Because why not?
The song is pretty cool, and fits. (“The Hell Raisers,” by Syd Dale.)
Some panels from Darwyn Cooke’s Slayground set to musicBecause why not? The song is pretty cool, and fits. (“The Hell Raisers,” by Syd Dale.) |
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I like this a lot.
The anime fandom has something called AMVs (Anime Music Videos) where they edit scenes from their favorite shows to music. Because of the general youth, and unsophistication, of the audience you usually get something like Naruto with a song from someone like Skillet. Occasionally, you do get more interesting things then that though.
I saw one of those once. It was done to a Matthew Sweet song. ;-)
That’s an interesting one since it was an both early version and a professional music video by the artist. Most of what I’m talking about created by high schoolers on their computers.
I’ve seen it done with American comics and cartoons too. Actually, you can probably find live action films too.
I was joking, but that is almost my only experience. I’m not an anime guy. (Nothing against it.)
I do remember there was a song that I wanted to share with others and the only video I could find of it was set to anime, which I thought was odd. It worked pretty well, but I can’t remember what the song was to save my life. I didn’t know it was a broader thing.