As with the last one of these I posted asking for opinions of A Walk Among the Tombstones, this time I’m interested in your opinions of a couple of other recent crime flicks, The Equalizer and Gone Girl. The next few weeks are going to be busy for me, so I’m not sure I’ll get a chance to see either or both of them in the theater. Should I make an extra effort or will video be fine?
Thread is open to chat about this or anything else.
Michael Dirda at the Washington Post reviews Levi Stahl’s Westlake nonfiction compilation The Getaway Car:
— Trent (@worldofparker) October 4, 2014
Jim Rutland at San Diego City Beat–Donald Westlake’s Legacy:
— Trent (@worldofparker) October 8, 2014
Two batches of Richard Stark novels for sale on eBay, one of which is quite the score:
— Trent (@worldofparker) October 8, 2014
At The Westlake Review, a detailed review of God Save the Mark:
— Trent (@worldofparker) October 8, 2014
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I *loved* The Equalizer, but I’m a massive fan of the kind of action movies where the hero’s awesome lethality is never in doubt and all the drama comes from the bad guys gradually realising just what kind of monster they’ve unleashed on themselves. It’s a really slick and well made B-movie that has very little to offer outside of the fun of seeing a bunch of scumbags get wiped out by a remorseless killing machine (it’s basically a slasher film by the end).
Gone Girl was another film I liked, but in that case I thought it improved as it went along – not to spoil any of it, but once things started to get a bit over-the-top I had a lot more fun, as the mystery angle was pretty basic. There’s a stage where it becomes akin to a noir about someone on the run, and that’s the stuff I enjoyed. Plus its take on marriage and relationships, which is pitch-black.
The missus and I are hoping to see Gone Girl tomorrow. If we are successful, I’ll let you know what I think!
It’s a tough one to talk about without giving away spoilers – especially as the stuff that I think people here would enjoy the most kind of counts as a spoiler…
Yeah, and for that reason I probably won’t review it. Suffice it to say I agree with you. And although I liked it, I can’t imagine myself watching it a second time.
We caught Gone Girl last weekend and absolutely loved it. One of the most enjoyable films I have seen in recent memory. I did not read the book so really knew very little about it going in. I got really caught up in the twists and turns and my wife and I had a great time watching it together.
I agree with Tony, this film definitely got better as it went along. The opening scenes were a bit cheesy but once it got going, we were hooked. It reminded me of a couple other fun, improbable but somewhat twisted films from the past: Malice and Jagged Edge.
Haven’t seen The Equalizer yet but hope to soon. Also kinda looking forward to John Wick with Keanu Reeves. I’m not a big Keanu fan but that movie looks like a pretty fun, wild shoot ’em up.
Best movie I’ve seen so far in 2014 is undoubtedly Sin CIty 2. That and the original are two of my all-time favorite films. I think they waited too long for the sequel (9 years); it bombed at the box office. But, really, most of the films that does really well at the BO are kids films and dumb stuff like that.
Not going to see Equalizer. For me, Edward Woodward is the Equalizer, and from the trailer it doesn’t look like it has much to do with the TV series.
Next film I’m probably gonna rent On Demand is The Zero Theorum. Terry Gilliam is an awesome director. Visually, maybe the most creative of all or in the top ten no doubt. It does help to get a little high (some weed or maybe mushrooms) before watching one of his films, only because it helps you think out of the box and accept the visuals (Or so I’ve been told ;-).
I saw Gone Girl last week knowing nothing about it except that it was a bit inspired by the Scott/Lacey Peterson case. Therefore my expectations were pleasantly exceeded when what started out as another kind of Zodiac became Joe Eszterhas/Paul Verhoeven ala Fincher into a tasty hybrid that kind of snuck up on me. Glad I didn’t wait for the dvd/stream of it. After “Goltzius and the Pelican Company”, perhaps the most enjoyable film of the year for me!
Goltzius and the Pelican Company. I have to check that out just based on the title.
You might just be surprised, especially if you’re interested in the 16th century, book printing, the bible and how ‘pornography’ is always there at the advent of new technologies!!! Oh….and the films of Peter Greenaway.
Jeffrey: I check yes on all of the above categories of interest; so Goltzius goes in my queue. :-)