NB: A version of this post also appears at Existential Ennui.
Here’s a nice exclusive—well, semi-exclusive; I’m cross-posting it at Existential Ennui—for you: Darwyn Cooke‘s handsome cover design for The Getaway Car, the Donald E. Westlake non-fiction anthology put together by Levi Stahl of The University of Chicago Press and due to be published by UCP in September. Levi himself broke the news about Darwyn illustrating and designing the book’s cover on his own blog earlier this month, but this is the first time said cover has been seen online (thank you to Levi for allowing me the opportunity to unveil it here and at Existential Ennui). It’s also, I believe, the first time that Darwyn’s work has adorned a Westlake project outside of the Richard Stark/Parker sphere—but not, I fervently hope, the last. Head to the UCP website for more about the book.
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Cool exclusive scoop for the site!
This one’s going to be a lot of fun. And is it just my imagination, or does the illustation take a little influence from the original paperback cover of The Score?
Just snagged a copy of the uncorrected proof for The Getaway Car and am already many pages into it and enjoying it immensely. One thing I’m curious about, though…the first page says the book is 256 pages while the proof copy is 234 pages. Anybody know if that’s a misprint or are there 22 pages of content in the regular edition that aren’t in the proof copy, meaning a double-dip is required?