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I recently discovered a great new writer whom, I believe, is fairly new to the game and is currently only publishing E-Books.
His name is Travis Hill and so far I’ve read a novella and a short story by him–One Bad Job and One Last Job, respectively. They both feature Billy Jensen, a heister who is refreshingly modern while still having many old school heister traits.
For the cost conscious among us, they’re both pretty cheap. I think One Bad Job (which should be read first) is like 2.99 when I bought it and is now only 99 cents. One Last Job was 99 cents, but is now free.
Hill is a talent to watch. God only knows why he hasn’t been published by a house, but for all I know maybe he hasn’t even tried to be. His prose style is very satisfying, and he has a knack of avoiding cliches, and even some of the plot elements I’ve read before (having to work off a debt to a psychopathic gangster) somehow seems fresh and inventive coming from Hill. That’s one of the signs of a great writer, by the way.
Jensen is a great character and I hope Hill writes many more stories featuring him.
Hill has written quite a few other stories, mostly Sci-Fi. I’ll probably check them out but even the best Sci-Fi is somewhat a chore for me to read. My heart belongs to crime!
BTW, The Hunter HC has been pushed back to July 1st, and The Man With The Getaway Face is due Oct 14. I hope by the time Darwyn gets to the last few Parker novels, IDW will have permission to do those as well. This really needs to be a complete set, including the four Grofields.
I cannot put into words how excited I am and how much I am anticipating having all 28 Starks with DC’s amazing paintings. It’s almost like a drug-induced high.;-) lol
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I recently discovered a great new writer whom, I believe, is fairly new to the game and is currently only publishing E-Books.
His name is Travis Hill and so far I’ve read a novella and a short story by him–One Bad Job and One Last Job, respectively. They both feature Billy Jensen, a heister who is refreshingly modern while still having many old school heister traits.
For the cost conscious among us, they’re both pretty cheap. I think One Bad Job (which should be read first) is like 2.99 when I bought it and is now only 99 cents. One Last Job was 99 cents, but is now free.
Hill is a talent to watch. God only knows why he hasn’t been published by a house, but for all I know maybe he hasn’t even tried to be. His prose style is very satisfying, and he has a knack of avoiding cliches, and even some of the plot elements I’ve read before (having to work off a debt to a psychopathic gangster) somehow seems fresh and inventive coming from Hill. That’s one of the signs of a great writer, by the way.
Jensen is a great character and I hope Hill writes many more stories featuring him.
Hill has written quite a few other stories, mostly Sci-Fi. I’ll probably check them out but even the best Sci-Fi is somewhat a chore for me to read. My heart belongs to crime!
Thanks for the tip Dave! I have added to my Kindle and look forward to digging into these!
No problem, Clue.
BTW, The Hunter HC has been pushed back to July 1st, and The Man With The Getaway Face is due Oct 14. I hope by the time Darwyn gets to the last few Parker novels, IDW will have permission to do those as well. This really needs to be a complete set, including the four Grofields.
I cannot put into words how excited I am and how much I am anticipating having all 28 Starks with DC’s amazing paintings. It’s almost like a drug-induced high.;-) lol
Darwyn Cooke is The Man, period.