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Dana – you’ve hit the problem on the head. Parker’s not a multeplix hero. He can’t be. He’s more complex than that. He does some pretty damn bad things to get what he wants and what makes us go along for the ride is not that we sympathise but that we see the necessity for Parker to reach his goal. Unfortunately most audiences need to directly sympathise with the character hence why we’ll pretty always see him with a “mentor” or “kid” or general “love interest” so that we can say, “hey, he’s not all bad.”…
Great books on that list. Also, may i say, it’s a great booksellers list. Every book on that list could be pkceid up as someone’s first book by an author and it would hook them.For instance, my fave Ellroy is easily WHITE JAZZ. But asking someone to read that without having first read NOWHERE, CONFIDENTIAL and -to an extent- DAHLIA would be to lose the reader.A top writer and a top hand seller!
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Preview up of Cooke’s adaptation of Slayground: http://comicsalliance.com/richard-stark-parker-slayground-preview-darwyn-cooke-idw/
Thanks for the heads up, Tony.
Slayground looks awesome. Grofield looks different; but the look is appropriate for the times the story takes place in.
The Seventh, originally published in The Martini Edition, will be included in Slayground.
I’ve read Cooke’s adaption of Slayground. It was very good. The volume also included The Seventh in a highly compressed form.
Dana – you’ve hit the problem on the head. Parker’s not a multeplix hero. He can’t be. He’s more complex than that. He does some pretty damn bad things to get what he wants and what makes us go along for the ride is not that we sympathise but that we see the necessity for Parker to reach his goal. Unfortunately most audiences need to directly sympathise with the character hence why we’ll pretty always see him with a “mentor” or “kid” or general “love interest” so that we can say, “hey, he’s not all bad.”…
Great books on that list. Also, may i say, it’s a great booksellers list. Every book on that list could be pkceid up as someone’s first book by an author and it would hook them.For instance, my fave Ellroy is easily WHITE JAZZ. But asking someone to read that without having first read NOWHERE, CONFIDENTIAL and -to an extent- DAHLIA would be to lose the reader.A top writer and a top hand seller!