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I saw this Falcon when it was on display at MOMA back in ’92(?). All that separated me from it was about an inch of bullet-proof glass. Now if I can just win the lottery between now and the auction, I know what I’ll be getting myself for xmas!
No, it wasn’t. Maggie wasn’t in that one. She was in the one where she successfully steals a jewel Sable was guarding. Then later she teams up with Sable to retrieve the formula for Coca-Cola.
She may have appeared in later issues. I’ve only read seven of IDW’s collections of the series. And there are uncollected issues, so I might buy those someday. Just as I have to buy the individual issues of the later run of Grimjack.
I was a big fan of the First comics line when I was a kid; well, some of them anyway. Sable, of course, Grimjack, and American Flagg, which totally blew my then 10 year old mind.
The Badger was cool too, but I think that series started at a different publisher and wound up at First. As did the adaptations of Michael Moorcock’s Elric, which also totally opened my eyes as to what creative heights comics could soar to.
If you are into Grimjack, you should check out Timothy Truman’s Scout.
I have heard of Scout and it looked interesting. I like Truman’s art, but there are sometimes in the early Grimjack that where a bit rough. His art on the two prequels that IDW released was great.
Unfortunately, I’m in a financial position where I can’t spend much money.
Well, keep it in mind the next time the Financial Gods smile on you, my friend. :-)
Comics were a big thing when I was a kid, but when I discovered crime fiction, comics lost a lot of their appeal. I still read some comics, but most of my spendable income goes on hardboiled crime fiction. I can honestly say it’s like an addiction.;-)
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I saw this Falcon when it was on display at MOMA back in ’92(?). All that separated me from it was about an inch of bullet-proof glass. Now if I can just win the lottery between now and the auction, I know what I’ll be getting myself for xmas!
The comic book series Jon Sable, Freelance had a storyline about the maltese falcon prop being stolen at an auction of Hollywood memorabilia.
Wasn’t that Maggie the Cat who tried to steal it?
I was a huge Sable fan as a teen.
No, it wasn’t. Maggie wasn’t in that one. She was in the one where she successfully steals a jewel Sable was guarding. Then later she teams up with Sable to retrieve the formula for Coca-Cola.
She may have appeared in later issues. I’ve only read seven of IDW’s collections of the series. And there are uncollected issues, so I might buy those someday. Just as I have to buy the individual issues of the later run of Grimjack.
I was a big fan of the First comics line when I was a kid; well, some of them anyway. Sable, of course, Grimjack, and American Flagg, which totally blew my then 10 year old mind.
The Badger was cool too, but I think that series started at a different publisher and wound up at First. As did the adaptations of Michael Moorcock’s Elric, which also totally opened my eyes as to what creative heights comics could soar to.
If you are into Grimjack, you should check out Timothy Truman’s Scout.
I have heard of Scout and it looked interesting. I like Truman’s art, but there are sometimes in the early Grimjack that where a bit rough. His art on the two prequels that IDW released was great.
Unfortunately, I’m in a financial position where I can’t spend much money.
Well, keep it in mind the next time the Financial Gods smile on you, my friend. :-)
Comics were a big thing when I was a kid, but when I discovered crime fiction, comics lost a lot of their appeal. I still read some comics, but most of my spendable income goes on hardboiled crime fiction. I can honestly say it’s like an addiction.;-)