- New blog post: News for week ending 2013-10-04 (open thread) http://t.co/Nwec0DIfLD 2013-10-06
- Sneak peek at new Donald Westlake sortable bibliography: http://t.co/cSUcUElwd2 2013-10-08
- New blog post: Hard Case Crime to publish lost Lawrence Block novel http://t.co/4kjCFyWWHA 2013-10-10
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How is this little tidbit not in the News Of The Week:
Ah, yes! I knew about that a week ago and was hoping to be better in synch with the publisher, but that didn’t happen. Proper post tomorrow or Tuesday.
Can’t wait for those.
You! Trent! You had the inside dope and waited a week!? That should have been straight to press info.:-) lol
It’s worse than that Dave – we’ve known about them for over a year.
Har har har, rub it in some more, why don’t you?;-)
Dave: First rule of journalism–never burn a source!
Well, I’m assuming Darwyn himself told you guys about his plans, and you kept your traps shut out of respect for him, which is admirable.