- New blog post: News for week ending 2013-08-16 (open thread) http://t.co/XBcFbJKqHh 2013-08-18
- News of the weird: A musical inspired by Orie Hitt. Via James Reasoner: http://t.co/92XD8X1rd1. Orie Hitt books: http://t.co/ZNjwx5vCtL 2013-08-19
- Parker Score: The Steel Hit:
NB: A version of this post also appears at Existential Ennui. - New blog post: Parker Score: The Steel Hit http://t.co/Ql2csjHZbO 2013-08-20
- Another legend leaves us. Rest in peace, Elmore Leonard: http://t.co/9Uu723S3hA 2013-08-20
- New Lawrence Block book from Hard Case Crime and Subterranean Press to be sold out upon publication. Jump on it now! https://t.co/VfxNbJkhDS 2013-08-20
- Charles Ardai–Twenty Year Death republished as 3 period paperbacks: http://t.co/Ioiv3x5HDB 2013-08-20
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There’s a Quarry pilot in post-production. Logan Marshall-Green plays Quarry, and Stellan Skarsgard plays The Broker. It’s set in 1973, like the book. MAC seems happy with the casting and production so I’m keeping my fingers crossed this’ll be really good.
And of course, am hoping Parker will get similiar quality treatment in the near future. There’s always hope!
DP: You got a link for that? I’ll send it out so it will be in next week’s round-up.
Sure; I’ll shoot you an email, Trent.