- New blog post: News for week ending 2013-05-31 (open thread) http://t.co/dULsC4NaEX 2013-06-02
- New blog post: Special VWOP feature: American Detective Fiction: The Translations Were Too Short http://t.co/nCgIspADSW 2013-06-03
News for week ending 2013-06-07 (open thread)
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Very special treat coming up on Turner Classic Movies!
Friday, June 14th at 11:30 pm TCM is airing the 1957 film The Burglar, starring Dan Duryea. It’s based on the David Goodis noir of the same name.
Then later that night at 2:45 am TCM is airing the 1973 remake called The Burglars, starring Jean Paul Belmondo and Omar Sharif.
The novel by Goodis is excellent; Goodis is perhaps the bleakest and most existential of the 40’s-50’s school of hardboiled authors.
Gentlemen (and ladies) start your DVRs!;-) lol