- New blog post: News for week ending 2013-05-03 (open thread) http://t.co/Bh5jNqZGjq 2013-05-05
- Ethan Iverson and Levi Stahl in the Donald Westlake archives…: http://t.co/Uc3zpdIhR3 2013-05-09
- 2013 Edgars: http://t.co/KqGKwJ7nzi 2013-05-09
- Sarah Skwire at The Freeman on Donald Westlake's The Ax–Extremely Creative and Incredibly Destructive: http://t.co/hXaLwZiWR4 2013-05-09
- A first-timer reads The Hunter: http://t.co/2ALinAREju 2013-05-09
- New blog post: Trying-to-get-my-act-together filler post http://t.co/phj853MHHx 2013-05-09
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TCM is showing The Outfit Wednesday evening at 10:30. For those who haven’t seen it, it’s a pretty good film. I liked it a lot. Not a terribly faithful adaptation of the book, but a darn good crime film nonetheless.