As I try to get back into the groove of regular reading, writing, and posting following one of the most eventful six months or so of my life, I’m grateful for diversions like this, from reader Michael C, that give me both a chuckle and an easy post:
I thought that you would get a laugh from this…
On Friday we were driving around with my girlfriend in Oakland, CA.
I mentioned that I am reallly digging the PARKER book that I was reading but did not mention the title.
As we’re talking – AT That moment she points- “LOOK- it’s PARKER st..!”
And then I saw that was that it was the cross street to SEVENTH- the book that I am on now, The Seventh.
It was a big laugh. Had to take a photo.
That’s great! My own town of Austin has a Parker Lane and a Westlake Drive, but alas, they are nowhere close to each other.
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Life is full of these little synchronicities. One only need be observant. Some find it scary; some find it whimsical, like God has a playful sense of humor…
I guess it depends on the situation!;-) lol