A quick personal note.
As long-time readers know, I’ve been struggling ever since the economy collapsed at the end of 2008. I’ve managed to get by on freelance gigs, contract work, and occasionally the grace of God, but I’ve had nothing like a permanent, stable position. Throw in selling a house and moving and some other significant life events, and you can see that life has been very complicated indeed.
I accepted an offer today for a permanent, stable position.
What does this mean for the site? Hard for me to say. I did the revamp right as my life began descending into chaos, so I’ve never tried to manage it with a forty-hour-a-week, Monday-through-Friday gig. I imagine in the short-term, my work here will be its usual sporadic self, but I’m hoping a set schedule without having to look for work in my free time (or feel guilty for not doing so) will mean that I get better at posting, replying to e-mail, and digging up the latest DEW and Parker news, as well as having more time to read great crime fiction to review.
Can’t promise that, but we’ll see!
I’ve got some down time before I start. A lot of things to take care of, of course, but I hope to get some long-delayed guest posts finally up. That won’t start for a few days though. I have celebrating to do.
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Major congrats on the new job, Trent. It’s about time things went your way!
Awesome news, Trent! Best of luck with your new position!
Congrats – that must be a big relief. Any time that you can give this site is greatly appreciated by the fans, and you’ve given us so much entertainment over the years.
That’s great news Trent! Congratulations and best of luck on the new job!
All of these articles have saved me a lot of hecsdahea.
Thanks, all! I’m thrilled, to put it mildly.
Glad to hear it! Congratulations.
Congratulations! Really great news. I’m impressed with the way you handled yourself with quiet dignity on this issue for so long (at least as far as online impressions go). Thanks again for all the great work you have put into this site.
Thanks, Walker! I try to strike a balance here in running a crime fiction site while occasionally letting people know that I’m an actual human with a life outside of this so readers will understand when posting is erratic.
And I’m good ol’ fashioned patriot enough to believe in the American Dream even when times are tough. Just keep your nose to the grindstone and eventually something will break your way. I’ve worked in entrepreneurial ventures for a good chunk of my professional life, so I’ve seen the highs and the lows that come with the territory. I never think the peaks or the valleys are permanent, which keeps me humble when times are good and keeps me from despondency when times are bad.