- New blog post: News for week ending 2013-02-08 (open thread) http://t.co/qk2FURZY 2013-02-10
- Thomas Burchfield reviews the Parker film http://t.co/j3QaDYu7. Here's a flashback to his Donald Westlake obituary http://t.co/DkTr08WN 2013-02-11
- LEE, an anthology of fiction inspired by Lee Marvin, edited by Parker fan Andrew Nette of Pulp Curry. Coming soon! http://t.co/RQZq4O0c 2013-02-11
- New blog post: Fourth (fourteenth?) anniversary http://t.co/KwCbyoU7 2013-02-11
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Kind of an odd idea creating an anthology around Lee Marvin. Though I know there was a speculative fiction anthology about Elvis.
My fellow Parker-fans, allow me to give you a heads-up on a new writer’s first published novel.
Ghostman by Roger Hobbs simply blew my socks off, and then blew them back on again!
It’s a remarkably well written novel by a guy who is soon going to be a household name–at least in any crime fiction fan’s home.
The Ghostman is a professional criminal like our much-loved Parker, but while he shares some of the same qualities as Parker, he is quite different from him in many ways; The Ghostman (he goes by several different aliases, buit his real name is not given in this story) is a wonderful and intriguing character all his own.
Hobbs writing skills are already so developed and engaging, I feel like how my Dad (an avid golfer) must have felt when he first watched Tiger Woods play–awe, admiration, and a sense of thankfulness for being there to see it all happen.
Again, can’t say enough good things about this book. Please take the time to check it out!:-)
This got a 2-page ad spread in Sunday’s NYT Book Review. I was intrigued by the excerpts, but it’s rare I pay full pop for a new hardback (the exception – any new fiction from James Ellroy). I’m reluctant to pay the 9.99 Kindle price – if it’s good, I’ll purchase it in paper. Let me check my library’s online catalog. . . . Thanks for the tip, Dave!
My pleasure, Giz.:-)