- New blog post: News for week ending 2013-01-18 (open thread) http://t.co/dRa8npSr 2013-01-20
- Devin Faraci at Badass Digest on Death Wish (the movie): http://t.co/2KkyLzBP 2013-01-23
- Wallace Stroby at Crimespree Magazine on Five Books/Albums/Films that changed his life: http://t.co/autGoiIb 2013-01-23
- New blog post: University of Chicago Press releases Parker character guide http://t.co/kkzjXX9Z 2013-01-23
- More Wallace Stroby, this time at Pulp Curry–Best Five Crime Films You've Never Seen: http://t.co/DwGFenHV 2013-01-23
- Director Taylor Hackford interviewed on the Parker movies and his other work: http://t.co/7UJfLKad 2013-01-23
- At IGN–interviews with Jason Statham and Michael Chiklis on the Parker film (video): http://t.co/pk5muNZf 2013-01-23
- Nick Pinkerton at the Village Voice–Parker: Rough Guide to a Rough Guy: http://t.co/mpxOGdk6 2013-01-23
- An interview with Michael Chiklis about filming Parker at Spinoff Online: http://t.co/emanqsN1 2013-01-23
- Spinoff interview with Parker director Taylor Hackford. The interesting (& alarming) stuff is in the last 6 paragraphs http://t.co/HOHq4v4o 2013-01-24
- New blog post: Movie review: Parker http://t.co/GqpYAq9W 2013-01-25
- Rotten Tomatoes roundup for the Parker film. Still early, but audiences seem to like it more than critics (or I) did. http://t.co/C9OWkbIT 2013-01-25
- VWOP regular David likes the Parker movie better than I did. His review is here: http://t.co/k5kbXVQE 2013-01-25
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Couple of quickie recommendations:
Almost all the Parker films, including The Outfit, are currently available on Amazon Instant Video. Sorta like Netflix, but all you need is an Amazon account and no need to download software. You can either buy, say, The Outfit for like 14 bucks, and watch it on your computer monitor for life, or rent it for a couple of days for like 4 bucks.
If you like Max Allan Collins’ Quarry novels ( I love them; found out a few days ago MAC is working on the latest, called The Wrong Quarry, and I have been walking with a spring in my step for the last few days:-) then please let me recommend The Last Lullaby, a Quarry film starring Tom Sizemore as Quarry (here called Price; I think MAC wants to keep the Quarry name for reasons similar to why DEW kept the Parker name).
MAC co-wrote the sceenplay. It’s a really fine film which I enjoyed hugely. I’ve always thought Sizemore was a very talented actor, and he doesn’t disappoint as Price. Sizemore wouldn’t have been my first choice to play Quarry, the character’s always been described as having deceptively mild all-American good looks and looking younger than he is, but Sizemore is very good as Quarry/Price.
I wish MAC would be chosen to write/direct a lower budget Parker independant film once the options run out with the studio that did the Statham film. If I ever win the Powerball, I’m going to see if I can arrange just that.;-)
If you have Showtime, allow me to recommend you title-search and DVR 2:22, a sweet little low budget noir I really liked about a crew of thieves planning, and then executing, a hotel heist. Proves you don’t need a huge budget to do it right. 2:22 came and went without much fanfare, but it’s worth chasing down.
Oh yeah, forgot to include The Last Lullaby is available on both netflix and Amazon Instant Video, and I think 2:22 is available on them too, but not sure.