I haven’t had time to look at it yet, and don’t have time even to find a graphic to illustrate this post like I usually do, but I wanted to get this posted ASAP on more than just Twitter.
In order to celebrate fifty years of Parker, and on the eve of the release of the new Parker film, the University of Chicago Press (current home of the books) has launched a new website. The main feature is something I’m really excited about, the Parker character guide.
This is something I’ve always wanted to do, but it’s a massive undertaking so I eventually wrote the idea off. Now U of C has done it for us! What a great resource this will be. Thanks, U of C!
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Awww…I just found this on my own tonight and thought I was bringing a scoop to VWOP but Trent beat me to it!
This is a pretty cool reference and really fun to go through.
It’s a great time to be a Parker fan!
Check out the body count column; they even have the parrot listed!
In the 1980’s I was a regional mengaar for a Japanese company that built a plant in Maryland capable of producing the entire demand of medical needles and syringes for the USA. When I toured the plant I found 16 workers in the plant (all IT and engineering staff) as raw materials brought to the assempbly line, all production, 100% QC inspection, all transport to the radiation/sterilization area, all packaging and wharehousing, were done by machines and robotics. Not a single human was involved in the entire process of making a product that was superior in every way to previous products and offered 100% QA.It is likely the lack of “real work” experience that has led to many of his poor decisions when it comes to the economy. The president’s latest attempt to cast himself as a leader who will make government more efficient is a cruel joke on the American public as this is just a replay of his strategy in state and local politics in Illinois where he sold himself as a reformer during his campaigns. However once he was elected to office it didn’t take long for the local media to recognize that he was nothing more than just another sequacious run of the mill “Chicago Way” politician. It became a joke as they sarcastically referred to him as the “un-reformer” as he did absolutely nothing to reform Chicago/Illinois politics. He was and still is a charismatic, lovable, empty suit.
I’ve been toying the the idea of doing a Parker encyclopedia for the last two years now. I’d only do the first run of 16 novels between 1962-1974 though, along with the Grofields. The older Parkers are just fine – nothing wrong with them at all – but the original run is far superior.
I meant “newer” rather than older, obviously. Shoulda proofread my post!
I’d buy it, JGA. I’ll buy anything Parker-related.:-)
I just glanced at the U of C website, but I think I already spotted a mistake. It claims Parker made zero cash in Ask The Parrot, but he did help Tom pull off the racetrack heist and Parker got his share of the boodle.
Unless I am not remembering it right!