Since Trent’s currently in the process of confirming, cataloging, and showcasing every single sleaze paperback Donald E. Westlake ever wrote (under various pseudonyms), I thought I’d take the opportunity to draw the attention of British VWoP readers (and any vacationing Americans) to a forthcoming event where there’s guaranteed to be a fine selection of smutty softcovers on sale. Held just once a year, the Paperback & Pulp Bookfair is the UK’s only show dedicated entirely to vintage softcover crime fiction, science fiction, sleaze, westerns, and horror. Last year I came away with a stack of paperbacks (actually two stacks), and the year before I scored a Pocket printing of The Hunter (among other things), so I speak from experience when I say that it really is a show not to be missed. The date for this year’s event is Sunday, October 28, and once again it’ll be at the Park Plaza Hotel in London (just around the corner from Victoria Station). There’ll be a number of special guests attending, including horror editor Stephen Jones, acclaimed artist Les Edwards, and fantasy author Adrian Cole, but more importantly than that, I’ll be there, so if you see this lanky idiot wandering about:
come and say hello. Maybe wait till an hour or so after the doors open though; I’ll be too busy rifling through boxes of paperbacks before then.
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Careful with that binding, Eugene!
Yeah yeah, laugh it up, Reynolds. I don’t see YOU manning up and showing us all what you look like.
Oh, no! I hope you didn’t think “Eugene” was some sort of insult! It was a reference to the early and strange Pink Floyd song, “Careful with That Axe, Eugene.” I thought all musically-inclined Brits had the Pink Floyd catalog memorized.
I don’t look all that different from my South Park icon, but one of these days I’ll post a photo. Probably when I get a chance to have it taken in an environment similar to that Book Fair. They come to Austin every once in awhile, but they don’t market terribly well, so I usually hear about them after the fact.
I scored my Avon copy of Butcher’s Moon at one of those for six bucks.
No, sorry, Pink Floyd kinda passed me by. Those of us who fought the Punk Wars* would never be seen dead listening to The Floyd.
*i.e., not me: I was six or seven when punk happened. I was probably in a corner reading my sister’s copy of Bunty or something.
I was, strangely, both a Pink Floyd kid and a punk rock kid. And I know the Johnny Rotten story about the shirt he was wearing when he met Malcolm McLaren, so the contradiction isn’t lost on me.
Not to get too far into the geek weeds (who am I kidding? This website is devoted to geekiness), but it wouldn’t shock me to find out that Mr. Lydon was a closet Floyd fan all along. The brilliant Metal Box by Public Image Limited reeks of prog.
For the record, I’m not a prog rock fan, and burned myself off of Floyd in high school. Only thing I can still listen to is the first two records. Not their fault; mine.
Trent: You mean you don’t resemble Sir David Attenborough?
Nick, you liar!;-) lol