Here is the cover for the University of Chicago Press’ upcoming reprint of Flashfire to coincide with the film based on it. I like that they kept it simple, and I’m thrilled that they put the original title on the cover.
I think I wrote in a previous post or comment that this would be the first American Parker movie tie-in. (I wasn’t counting Point Blank! or The Split because they didn’t have much to do with the films other than a title change and a blurb on The Split. No movie poster cover, no split-your-binding stills in the middle of the book. Opinions could differ.)
Of course I was mistaken. Payback was the first. You’d think I would have remembered that after typing out the good intro by Westlake to that edition myself for posting on the site. You would also think I would have remembered because there’s a copy sitting not twenty feet from me. Anyway, that makes Parker the second American Parker movie tie-in edition by my count.
I don’t know if there will be an introduction to this edition. I have e-mailed U of C and will update this post when they get back to me.
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not too crazy about the face on the jacket looks a bit odd, this image would have been better:
This one will never be found in my collection. Though I’d be happy to write the introduction. Please pass that on to UofC.
My guess is that, due to the large lead time necessary to print and distribute a book, they had to use poster art that was not quite the final version. Compare:
Ok I see and even the poster for film I’m guessing that it’s just a teaser Poster? and that they will have more, it wouldn’t hurt to have a version with Chiklis and Nolte on it too.
I’ll buy it if Nick Nolte writes the introduction in all caps.
The poster/book cover is merely adequate; not great, not lousy. I agree Nolte and Chiklis would be selling points, especially to older folks: some of my older family members mainly remember Chiklis as the Commish, while I remember him from The Shield, and even that John Belushi biopic.
And I will definitely buy it just as a collector’s item. If you’ve got the Marvin, Duvall, Brown (who was the worst film Parker), and Gibson PBs, it makes sense to get the new one.
Trent–I think I may have answered your question above already, but just in case I missed it: there’s not an intro to this edition, for a number of reasons–one of them the fact that we wouldn’t be able to get anyone to write about the book and the movie both, since we had to get moving on this months ago to be ready in time, and that’s what you’d really want from an introduction. (But it’s also $2 cheaper than Flashfire–so it’s a great starting point for a new reader!)
Eloise and others:
I just got my copy of this. The final version matches the movie poster, so Ms. Lopez has a bit more salsa than she does on the early version posted above. I’ll post the final cover when I get it.
It’s a handsome volume.
Awesome. I’ll be snatching up a copy for myself soon. For those Parker fans who still feel ambivilant about Statham on the cover, just think; you could be a Jack Reacher fan buying a new edition of One Shot with Cruise on the cover.;-) lol