- Official Donald Westlake site has a slew of updates. With our site slow for the time being, go there for your fix! http://t.co/iXLGkvUW #
- Ryan Lindsay at Boomtron on the covers of Hard Case Crime: http://t.co/6N9Q8m34 #
- Ed Gorman reviews The Handle: http://t.co/9IuNBtz1 #
- A first-timer reads The Hunter. I always love reading pieces like this: http://t.co/m5yOcche #
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I don’t know whether you guys are aware that a 1990 interview with Westlake by Michael Silverblatt (KCRW Bookworm) is now up online as an MP3:
Silverblatt is a great interviewer.
I know this is apropos of nothing, but:
I really liked the new animated film Batman: The Dark Knight Returns. I caught it on my local Cable provider’s On Demand section, and it’s also available on DVD and Netflix, I think.
They scored a grandslam with this one, folks. If you’ve ever read the Frank Miller comics and liked them, or even if you’ve ever been a Batman fan, I think you’re gonna be very happy. I rate this film as possibly the best Batman adaptation for film ever, and that’s including the Nolan films. That’s how good this is.
Can’t wait for Part 2 in a few months!
Apropos of nothing is fine! These “News for Week Ending…” posts are meant as open threads for whatever crime or Westlake related stuff people want to bring up. Maybe I should make that more explicit.
I think I may have linked that interview before. I’d have to listen to it again to be certain, which I intend to do. If it’s the one I’m thinking of, it’s really good. If it’s one I haven’t heard before, all the better! Thanks for mentioning it!
Dave – Thanks for the tip on The Dark Knight Returns animated feature. Can’t wait to see it!
As summer has now turned to fall, we are now less than 4 months from the premiere of the Parker film (1/25/13). Am I wrong to be concerned there are no trailers (not even a teaser trailer) or movie posters to be found yet? Do any of you insiders have any thoughts on this?
I don’t have any insight, but my guess is that it’s not a huge budget affair, so no point in trying to build it up with previews right now. I bet they don’t really start pushing it until late January.
The lack of a teaser is a puzzle, though. I went out looking, and didn’t find any information, but I did find something else of interest. (See next post.)
I was thinking the same thing and was considering a short post on the subject. You see trailers, or at least teasers, sometimes almost a year before the film comes out. Trent’s explanation makes sense. I still am only hoping for a 70% authentic Parker adaptation. If I get that, I’ll be a happy camper. I just hope Statham doesn’t go into a prolonged Kung-Fu sequence and start with the cheesy one-liners.