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Warning: Declaration of Social_Walker_Comment::end_lvl(&$output, $depth, $args) should be compatible with Walker_Comment::end_lvl(&$output, $depth = 0, $args = Array) in /home/violentw/www/www/wp-content/plugins/social/lib/social/walker/comment.php on line 42
I hope U of C eventually prints versions of Lemons Never Lie and the last few Parkers. It’s a shame not to have a complete set of the novels in those attractive editions. You would think an arrangement could be made between U of C, Hard Case, and Warner. Eventually, HC and Warner will lose the rights, so hopefully U of C’s plan is just to bide their time until ready to strike;-)
Thanks for asking, but yes, everything is fine! Getting better by the day, actually. It’s just going to take some time to get myself settled (there is a lot of work to do), which doesn’t leave a whole lot of time for readin’ and writin’.
Now that you’ve made me feel guilty, I’ll see if I can drum up a post or two this week. ;)
Glad to hear you’re doing well, Amigo. Looking forward to reading some new posts. I’m also looking forward to reading those Nolan posts your friend was going to contribute.
I’m rereading all the Nolans and Quarrys a bit at a time, and finding that they hold up pretty well. There’s a Quarry film called The Last Lullaby that features a very nice performance by Tom Sizemore. I can’t say it warrents inclusion in the Not Quite Parker Film section, but I think fans of the Parker films might like it quite a bit. Sizemore is a pretty good actor–it was sad to see him go through that hellish downward spiral a few years ago, but The Last Lullaby is evidence he can still act.
Also just finished Chinese Puzzle and liked it. Going to order the next Destroyer for my Kindle. When I started reading Puzzle, Chiun, at 80, climbing a building barehanded was a bit too much to swallow, but as the story moved on it’s clear the authors are writing with tongue planted firmly in cheek, and there’s some nice humor and satire mixed in as well. Thanks for the recommendation!
And I’ve been posting what I can, but there’s only so much I can post here and on EE – and life does have a habit of getting in the way of blogging sometimes. Should have that promised cover gallery up tomorrow though (unless Trent beats me to it).
I know you are working overtime on EE and VWOP, Nick. You’ve brought so much to the table here at VWOP, us fans couldn’t ask for a better co-blogger that fits in with Trent’s and our sensibilities than you. I was just making sure everything was cool with Trent. It just got eerily silent around here for a while.
Warning: Declaration of Social_Walker_Comment::start_lvl(&$output, $depth, $args) should be compatible with Walker_Comment::start_lvl(&$output, $depth = 0, $args = Array) in /home/violentw/www/www/wp-content/plugins/social/lib/social/walker/comment.php on line 18
Warning: Declaration of Social_Walker_Comment::end_lvl(&$output, $depth, $args) should be compatible with Walker_Comment::end_lvl(&$output, $depth = 0, $args = Array) in /home/violentw/www/www/wp-content/plugins/social/lib/social/walker/comment.php on line 42
I hope U of C eventually prints versions of Lemons Never Lie and the last few Parkers. It’s a shame not to have a complete set of the novels in those attractive editions. You would think an arrangement could be made between U of C, Hard Case, and Warner. Eventually, HC and Warner will lose the rights, so hopefully U of C’s plan is just to bide their time until ready to strike;-)
Man, where has everybody gone?
Everything OK, Trent?
Thanks for asking, but yes, everything is fine! Getting better by the day, actually. It’s just going to take some time to get myself settled (there is a lot of work to do), which doesn’t leave a whole lot of time for readin’ and writin’.
Now that you’ve made me feel guilty, I’ll see if I can drum up a post or two this week. ;)
Glad to hear you’re doing well, Amigo. Looking forward to reading some new posts. I’m also looking forward to reading those Nolan posts your friend was going to contribute.
I’m rereading all the Nolans and Quarrys a bit at a time, and finding that they hold up pretty well. There’s a Quarry film called The Last Lullaby that features a very nice performance by Tom Sizemore. I can’t say it warrents inclusion in the Not Quite Parker Film section, but I think fans of the Parker films might like it quite a bit. Sizemore is a pretty good actor–it was sad to see him go through that hellish downward spiral a few years ago, but The Last Lullaby is evidence he can still act.
Also just finished Chinese Puzzle and liked it. Going to order the next Destroyer for my Kindle. When I started reading Puzzle, Chiun, at 80, climbing a building barehanded was a bit too much to swallow, but as the story moved on it’s clear the authors are writing with tongue planted firmly in cheek, and there’s some nice humor and satire mixed in as well. Thanks for the recommendation!
And I’ve been posting what I can, but there’s only so much I can post here and on EE – and life does have a habit of getting in the way of blogging sometimes. Should have that promised cover gallery up tomorrow though (unless Trent beats me to it).
I know you are working overtime on EE and VWOP, Nick. You’ve brought so much to the table here at VWOP, us fans couldn’t ask for a better co-blogger that fits in with Trent’s and our sensibilities than you. I was just making sure everything was cool with Trent. It just got eerily silent around here for a while.