The interviewer is kinda corny, but Darwyn is his usual charming self and you get to see footage of him brush-painting the ComicCon exclusive edition of The Score.
It’s less than five minutes if you’re sneaking this in at the office.
More ComicCon stuff from Darwyn Cooke on ParkerThe interviewer is kinda corny, but Darwyn is his usual charming self and you get to see footage of him brush-painting the ComicCon exclusive edition of The Score. It’s less than five minutes if you’re sneaking this in at the office. |
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I have to say it, and no doubt it’s what ALL of us here at VWOP are thinking: I want Darwyn Cooke to adapt ALL the books, in one form or another, and that includes the Grofields. It may take a decade or more, but wouldn’t that be freaking awesome? To have a corresponding Cooke book (couldn’t resist that pun–c’mon it’s long overdue) for every one of DEW’s Stark books? I’ll accept partial adaptations here and there as in the case of The Seventh, and I daresay I would love Darwyn to do some original Parker/Grofield stories. Maybe he can include them as bonus material in the future Martini Editions?
Now only if some enterprising Comic writer/artist would tackle Travis McGee to go along with the Parkers(although I think that would be much more challenging due to the source material) I could die a happy man with a huge smile plastered on my face. My miserable life would be worth all the struggles, heartaches and headaches!;-) lol
I second, third and fourth ya on that Dave! I hope he does keep working on the Parkers as long as his fingers can hold a pencil, pen or brush!
I’m glad I saw this. I don’t care for the ComicCon special edition cover that much. Now I know I won’t be tempted to buy one on E-Bay should one make an appearance there!
I think a McGee comic series would work very well although it would be a challenge to streamline into comic form. The villains in the McGee series are some of the most despicable in fiction anywhere and I could see some ambitious comic book creator wanting to bring them into that medium.
If only we ruled the creative world…