Some hiatus, huh? Well, just because I’m somewhat limited at the moment doesn’t mean I can’t throw up a quickie every now and again.
In this interview from ComicCon that Matthew pointed out in the comments, Cooke discusses Before Watchmen and then Parker. If you’re not interested in Before Watchmen (I am, but will wait for the trade paperback), the Parker stuff starts at about nine minutes in. It covers some of the same ground VWOP covered in our interview, but the lovely interviewess does come out of the gate with a good question that wouldn’t have occurred to me, or Nick either, likely, us knowing the book series so well that we’re too close to it think of that question.
And I’d like to flatter myself into thinking that when he says, “As I said the other day…” and then repeats the pull quote I named our article after, it was because he liked the title and the article.
As a bonus, also from the comments (Dave this time), comes this short (ten minutes) crime film starring Thomas Jane. It’s very good. It’s also pretty graphic, so be forewarned.
Thomas Jane in Dirty Laundry
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I was a big Watchmen fan in the day; not sure what to think about the prequels. I picked up the first issue of The Comedian (The Comedian and Ozymandias are my favorite Watchmen characters) and thought it was merely OK, nothing mind-blowing, but then again it was only the first issue. I’ll probably wait, like Trent, and pick them up when they get collected in TPBs.
As for the video: I was pretty surprised at the end, when we find out who has been doing all that glorious ass-kicking. I guess I shouldn’t have been, but I was;-) lol Man, that video is cool. And I can’t resist connecting Watchmen and the Jane video by mentioning that the video features Ron Perlman, a great actor I’ve admired for a quite a while (recently, he was in Driven), who was originally supposed to play the Comedian.
I love this video! My son sent it to me the other day but he wasn’t so secretive about the ending.
Ron Perlman is GREAT in everything he does IMO. Who else has a jaw big enough to play Hellboy?