- Out today–the trailer for Taken 2:
http://t.co/fk7FloCZ # - A limited edition variant cover of Darwyn Cooke's The Score will be available at Comic-Con International this weekend: http://t.co/d5epSdEZ #
News for week ending 2012-06-23
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OK. Enough. This variant cover BS has to stop. This is one reason I stopped collecting comics long ago. If you’re a Parker collector/enthusiast, as I certainly am, it means you have to buy another edition of a book you already have because of an alternate cover. I mean, you don’t HAVE to, but somehow you feel incomplete if you don’t have it on your shelf. If IDW REALLY wanted to do something special, why not include a new Parker short story or maybe a Grofield short.
Same as CDs. Every few years you buy the same CD you already own because it’s remastered and has a couple bonus tracks. Or at least I do, if the musician is someone who’s music I love. Sometimes it’s worth it, like when Rykodisc re-released Bowie’s catalogue in the 90’s–there was a ton of great bonus material on those CDs but often it’s a murky demo of a well-known song or a lame live version.
Then there are the DVDs that get reissued when an anniversary draws near and you have to buy the same movie because it’s now in Blue-Ray and has audio commentary from the janitor who cleaned the sets and a few scenes of actors flubbing lines and laughing like idiots.
You don’t want to know how many times I’ve bought the same James Bond DVDs. At least I’m generous and give the old ones (provided they don’t have something unique the newer ones lack) to family members or friends.
Sometimes I just pine for the days when they made something and that was it. And if they ever reissued it it was the exact replica of the original thing. It freed up shelf and wallet space for new stuff you’ve never seen or heard before.
I’m sympathetic, but at a point you have to be able to say, “What I’ve got’s good enough.”
Exceptions exist, but in 99% of cases, the “bonus tracks” on that album weren’t initially released for good reason. (The Bowie reissues are one of those exceptions, and it was also the first time a lot of those albums were on CD, if I remember correctly.)
I can’t complain about a promo variant cover…the book is still the same and the cover it comes with for regular Joes is awesome on its own. (I haven’t seen the promo cover yet. Keeping an eye out for it.)
The Martini edition is a great example of how to repackage if you must repackage. Even if you already had both books, you’d get your money’s worth.
Being able to buy those bonus tracks individually instead of having to shell out for the whole album again has been a great boon for music lovers. Viva Internet! Viva digital!
Can’t argue about the Martini edition–absolutely gorgeous. But you do realize after the next two Parkers come out there’ll be a “Cosmopolitan” or “Manhattan” edition with all 4 books repackaged with a portfolio of prints featuring Parker’s birth certificate (with baby footprints) and reproductions of his high school yearbook pics and prom portrait;-) lol
Seriously, you’re right. It’s up to the individual to decide when enough is enough. I just suspect the folks putting out all these “variants” and “special editions” know precisely what segment of the fan base they’re preying on. Neurotic nutballs like me;-) lol
Btw, The variant cover is simply a close-up of Parker’s face in a Ski-Mask.
Oh, yeah, interesting memory about this topic. Remember when TV Guide was releasing “Collector’s Edition” issues with 4 different Star Trek covers? Same freaking magazine but with four different covers–one with Kirk, one with Picard, etc.? Then they did something similar with X Files or some other “cult” show.
Total marketing genius. They know Trekkies are notorious for their completist mindset, a large portion anyway, so why not increase the sales figures for that month by making them buy 4 copies of the same thing because they have different covers. It obviously worked because, as I said, they went on and did more “Collector’s Editions” with other shows.
Harmless? Sure. A little unseemly/exploitative? You be the judge.
Amazon now has Cooke’s adaptation of The Score on pre-sale for $13.42. That’s the best price yet! No additional updates on release date. Amazon has now added the “take a look inside feature” to The Score so you can view several pages of the book. As usual, it looks awesome! Among the pages you can view is the back page which states “Parker will be back in 2013”, ala the Bond films. Can’t wait to hear what Cooke is cooking up for his next Parker adaptation!
If I understand correctly, it will be in brick and mortar bookstores on July 12, with online shipping to follow on July 24.
I’ve read it, although I won’t have a review up for awhile. Short version–you will not be disappointed.
Lovely lovely home. Love her dinnig chairs. Warm weather? not even close, it snowed here for a tad today…I will be watching the fireplace channel for memories of warmth lolwww.girlsnextbestfriend.com
One thing about Amazon that rocks–their prices. I know it’s cool to support your local bookstores, especially the Mom and Pops, but online is so much cheaper it’s hard to ignore.
I hope Cooke does Butcher’s Moon. If he does Slayground, let it be a preamble for Butcher’s Moon. Unless he’s planning on doing full length versions of both, then I say: Go for it!;-)
Just checked out the sample pages on Amazon. Freaking awesome! Had to laugh at Grofield hears background music, with Grofield dressed up like Fred Astaire;-) lol
Is Parker still out there, taking down scores? You be the judge!