It looks like I’m selling my house and moving, and it looks like this is going to be a very complicated affair. At the end of it all (likely three months, maybe more) this is going to be a very good thing, but during that time period, it’s going to be a gigantic pain in the ass.
So I won’t be posting much for quite some time. I’m sure I’ll knock out a review here and there, but I’ve got a lot of work to do on the home front.
If I can’t do in-depth posts, I can at least throw up a new cover every now and again as filler. Lord knows I need to. I’ve got bunches stored on the hard drive, many sent in by you, dear reader, and the cover galleries are one of the most popular parts of the site.
I’ve added two to The Score gallery. I had a black and white of the Berkley Killtown cover which I’ve replaced with the color one above, and I’ve also added the Gregg Press cover, back, and jacket flap.
I’m rereading The Score right now, and came across this passage:
Parker said, “Shut up, Grofield. Okay, Wycza, get Phillips. Now we need two more.”
“The Chambers brothers,” said Paulus.
Since the Chambers Brothers were actually named Chambers, I’m pretty sure they weren’t inspired by The Score. But it is a nice excuse for a filler post.
(Also, have no fear, Nick is still here, and I hope to have some neat guest posts soon.)
The Chambers Brothers – “Time Has Come Today”
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Oh my God, I moved almost two years ago after living in the same spot for well over a decade and I will definitely be moving again soon; thankfully to a bigger place and a nicer area. But God do I hate the process. I sympathize–truly, I do:-(
Just do what I did; every time you feel your blood pressure rising and your hands shaking in nervous combustibility, just keep imagining how sweet it’ll be when every piece of furniture is moved, every Record, CD, Book, DVD, etc., is reorganized, all the useless junk and clutter is tossed away or donated to the Salvation Army, and you can finally lay back in your recliner, safely ensconsed in your new abode,
and hoist an ice cold beer to your lips in peace, all the while praying to the Gods of domesticity–never again, please? Never again!;-) lol
Moving is hell, which is why I try to avoid it. Additional hell is I’m downsizing from a 3-2 with a garage, storage room, and shed, to a condo. I’m moving from way too much space, which I filled with abandon, to what probably isn’t but feels like too little.
It’s the records, CDs, and books that are going to be the toughest part. I’m going to have to get rid of a lot of them. Painful decisions ahead.
But I do look forward to my slimmed-down existence with neatly organized shelves of just the essential books and music. I will think of your words when I hoist that beer!
I figured commenting on a filler post was as good a place as any to pass this along – robbing banks not a path to financial success says Forbes:
Yep, you can use it as an open thread. Also, the (usually) weekly news roundup posts.
Interesting piece. Thanks!