Apologies for the light posting here lately. Nick has picked up some of my slack, thank goodness, but I try to do more and I haven’t.
I haven’t had a lot of time for reading and writing lately. Nothing bad’s going on. I’ve just been busy, although I should confess that some burnout is likely a factor. Anyone out there who has tried to blog regularly can understand, and that gets multiplied when you’re trying to maintain a website as big as this one is. (We are long overdue for some major back-end work, which is going to be a bitch.)
This past week has been particularly insane. It isn’t helping matters that the NBA playoffs are on during my limited free time and the Spurs are on a hot streak. I haven’t checked my e-mail in a week, although I hope to start getting caught up on that and start feeding the Twitter beast again over the long weekend. So apologies if you sent me a message. I will be in touch soon.
I’m going to have a long-overdue review of something that you’ll enjoy up later tonight or perhaps tomorrow, depending on how long it takes me to put the finishing touches on it. After that, there will probably be another hiatus.
The reason for the hiatus is good. I’m working on something really special but it’s going to take a lot of work on my part to get it done right. You’ll know it when you see it.
In the meantime, have a blessed Memorial Day. The ability to exercise our God-given right to freedom of speech, freedom to read, freedom to write, was paid for by the blood of men better than I. I hope you’ll join me in taking a few moments this weekend to remember them.
The Kingston Trio – “The Sinking of the Reuben James”
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You’ve done a magnificent job on this site and I think it’s safe to say everyone appreciates it and understands why you need to take periodic breaks to recharge the battery. I often wonder how you find so much Parker-related info floating around on the net and cull it for our perusal. VWOP is my favorite site and I can’t thank you enough for creating/maintaining it. It’s added many, many hours of pleasure and entertainment to my life. A big and hearty Thank You to the inimitable Mr. Jones for his unique contributions as well!
Hope everybody has a safe and fun Memorial Day weekend. I, for one, am glad the cold is gone and will be dusting off the grill and lawn chairs tomorrow.
Amen to all that and Go Spurs! (Not a Spurs fan, but love their style of play this year, plus this OKC series could be epic.)
Oh, hell yes. Clash of the Titans.
Spurs are number one of course, but the bummer is I also like OKC. I also like the Clippers. All the teams I like have to destroy each other! (Except for the Bucks and Pistons, who are in no position to destroy anything but their reputations. Oh, wait, the Bucks never had one to begin with.)