- Levi Stahl at I've Been Reading Lately–Back in 1977, or, The Comedy Is Finished http://t.co/Iw4aeTH1 #
- Geoff Boucher at the LA Times' Hero Complex–Spider-Man at 50: Darwyn Cooke found a career in 1973 issue: http://t.co/mSrEzCAR #
- New short stories and novellas in Murphy & Sapir's Destroyer series coming soon to e-book. Murphy close to a publishing deal for new novels. #
- A 2005 interview with John Flynn, director of The Outfit: http://t.co/5Ys3MDeB #
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That John Flynn interview is great. First I’ve ever read with him. It’s too bad he didn’t get the kind of career he deserved, but THE OUTFIT and ROLLING THUNDER are two of the best crime films of the ’70s