(NB: A version of this post also appears on Existential Ennui.)
If you’ve been following my Existential Ennui posts on the Donald E. Westlake/Richard Stark first-and-other editions I’ve bought and collected over the years—and if you have, I’d like to offer both my commiserations and my profound apologies—you’ll perhaps have noticed that Westlake Scores comes in many shapes, sizes, and levels of desirability. Some, like my most recent one (prior to this latest one, that is), are really quite special. Others, like this one, are nothing special at all. But most fall somewhere in-between those two poles, and that’s probably where this newest Score resides.
Published in hardback in the UK by Robert Hale in 2001, Comeback is both the seventeenth Parker novel and the first book in the second run of Parkers, and arrived twenty-three years after the preceding novel in the series, 1974’s Butcher’s Moon. Or rather, it did so in the States: Comeback was published in 1997 in the US; it took another four years for a British publisher—Hale, in case your attention span has degraded to the same level as mine—to acquire the rights to it and the subsequent Parkers.
Now, in many ways, there’s nothing special about the Hale edition of Comeback at all. It was, as I say, published a good long while after the Mysterious Press American edition—so long, indeed, that I actually bought a US first back in 2010 because the gap in publication really bothered me—an aversion I’ve since, evidently, come to terms with. Moreover, like all of the Parker novels Hale published, its dustjacket sports an illustration on the front by an artist—Derek Colligan—who is something of an acquired taste (although I must admit his style has grown on me). And furthermore, when this copy popped up on eBay recently, I was the only bidder.
Taking that last point alone, you might reasonably surmise that there’s little, if any, demand for this edition. But in fact like most of the Hale editions of the Parker novels, Comeback has become really rather scarce. There’s currently just one copy of the Hale first on AbeBooks, priced at over seventy quid, and a further four copies on Amazon Marketplace, the cheapest of those being £34. It’s a similar story with others of the six Parker novels Hale published—either that or the only available copies are public library re-binds. (I’ve conjectured previously that the the bulk of the print runs of the Stark and Westlake books Hale published went to libraries, and the available evidence certainly seems to bear that out.) So while the Hale edition of Comeback may have lagged behind the Mysterious Press one, it’s a damn sight rarer than its US cousin (there are umpteen copies of the Mysterious Press first for sale online).
Fascinating stuff, I’m sure you’ll agree (ahem), but what about the novel itself? Well, funnily enough, Comeback will be the next Parker novel I’ll be reviewing in my ongoing Parker Progress Report trawl through the series, so look out for that soon . . .
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I’m looking forward to your review–to me, Comeback is the best of the second crop of Parkers. To revive the series after such a long break, it probably had to be.