Donald Westlake gave up the genre experimentation of the first three Alan Grofield novels in favor of just writing a Richard Stark novel for volume four. Thank goodness–it’s easily the best of the series.
I was critical of this one when these covers were first made public, but in retrospect I think I was a little harsh.
This cover is only for the e-book at the moment, as Hard Case Crime still has the dead tree rights. And while it means you won’t get a nice matching set If You Buy Now in hard copy, you will get R. B. Farrell’s superb cover art as a consolation. This is one of my favorite Stark covers.
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Speaking of books that may still have rights tied up, do you have any idea whether the U of Chicago plans to do the last few Parker books?
They hope to. The last few are technically still in print, so they have to wait for the rights to become available. I think it will happen.