- The return of Matt Helm: http://t.co/sm3J0P5k #
- The folks at the Strange Adventures Comic Book Store celebrate the release of the Martini Edition in high style: http://t.co/gyTtT8jn #
- Lee Goldberg's Judgment (The Jury Series #1 originally published as .357 Vigalante) is free this week for Kindle http://t.co/QpBw1cZa #
- Deirdre Donahue in USA TODAY–Self-published authors find e-success:
http://t.co/wU5c079W # - Darwyn Cooke is auctioning off an awesome pile of Parker stuff to benefit the Hero Initiative: http://t.co/K6sSH3az #
- Derek Haas at WSJ–The Code of the Thriller
http://t.co/leLnTTg0 # - Publishers Weekly has a brief review of the lost Donald Westlake novel The Comedy is Finished, the first I'm aware of: http://t.co/yGgp5vD8 #
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I’m gonna go ahead and blow my own trumpet here: the Matt Helm story broke first on Existential Ennui, a couple of hours before Titan sent out the press release. I heard the news a few weeks ago when I was initially blogging about Donald Hamilton, but was sworn to secrecy for a while…
Ya know, that might have been a good opportunity for a cross-post…;)
I’m overjoyed to hear they’re finally reprinting the Matt Helm books. I have a dozen or so that I picked up in used books stores and library sales, but it can be tough finding the books.
Matt Helm and Parker always seemed similar in that tough, consumate professionals at very dirty business. That said Helm seems more human than Parker.
Hmm, good point, Trent. In my defence, I didn’t spot the email giving me the go-ahead until the morning after it was sent, so I had to rush to get the news out before I missed the opportunity. I’ll probably get further info down the line though, so when I do, I’ll stick it on ‘ere as well.
Matthew, I’d agree Helm is more human than Parker. But there are definitely similarities… which is why I guess I should have thought to post the damn story here as well! Sigh…
Looks like the title “The Comedy Is Finished” is taken from Beethoven’s last words. Trent can we count on you for a READALONG podcast?
Just so long as we sort out the technical issues well beforehand! I felt awful about the fiasco that was the last podcast.
Sounds good!