- Daniela Gitlin at Shrink Unwrapped–Why Donald Westlake is my Favorite Author: http://t.co/2tnseWeV #
- The Hot Rock is available for Kindle for $1.99 today only. http://t.co/OEiCFZnw via @amazon #
- A review of Friend of the Site Wallace Stroby's Cold Shot to the Heart, now available in paperback: http://t.co/RbfCngfA #
- Glenn Kenny at Some Came Running–Stark, Parker, "The Jugger," and "Made In USA": http://t.co/LNJmCUTX #
- Discovering e-reading and The Score: http://t.co/qlqiEEJe #
- Artifacts from The Stepfather, courtesy of Paul Westlake at the official Donald Westlake site: http://t.co/PjctRD9f #
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Hey Trent! Thanks so much for the plug. I’m honored. Daniela
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