This latest Westlake Score—which, for those who’ve evidently been dozing or “goofing off” at the back of the class, are posts in which I detail newly acquired editions of various of Donald “Richard Stark” Westlake’s novels—may not look like much to you, chief, but to me it represents another step on the path towards owning every one of Richard Stark’s Parker novels in hardback.
Published in 1986, seen here is the Allison & Busby hardback edition of The Jugger—the sixth Parker novel, originally published in the US in 1965. To recap: in the 1980s, British publisher Allison & Busby reissued the initial twelve Parker novels—from Point Blank (a.k.a. The Hunter) to The Sour Lemon Score—in hardback, the first time that many of those novels had been made available in that format. (A&B also published Deadly Edge—Parker #13—in 1990, but only as a paperback.) For book collectors, then, the Allison & Busby editions afford almost the only opportunity to own those twelve Parkers as hardcovers. Almost… but not quite. I’ll return to that in a moment.
Of course, this is something that only really matters to book collectors—for whom hardbacks are always preferable to paperbacks—but matter it does (to us), and consequently a good number of the A&B hardcovers have become quite scarce and rather valuable. For instance, I had to order this copy of The Jugger from New Zealand—from the lovely folk at Codexco, Christchurch, an undertaking which gained an additional wrinkle with the recent earthquake there—while AbeBooks currently lists just two other copies of this edition, the cheapest of those being fifty quid. Mind you, the A&B editions are an imperfect solution to a collecting conundrum: about half of the Parkers they reissued were printed on inferior paper stock, which has since browned, and all of them are littered with typos. (Allison & Busby were once described to me by a secondhand bookseller as “a cowboy outfit.”) The dustjacket designs are an acquired taste, too; most were designed by Mick Keates, and while I do like the first wave of jackets he created, with their bold typography, the second wave—which included The Jugger—I’m less keen on.
Even so, the Allison & Busby Parkers are much in-demand by collectors, and always command good prices when they (infrequently) appear on eBay. However, at least as regards a scant few of those twelve Parker novels, there is another option for collectors. Because some of those Parkers were published as hardbacks a good decade or so prior to the Allison & Busby editions. They’re incredibly scarce, and little-seen… but in my next Violent World of Parker post, I’ll be showcasing all three of them…
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Kudos on your score. I must say, though, that I’m one of those Parker collectors who prefers the pb editions to the hardcovers….not sure why…I guess I just like the way they look on he shelf and feel in the hands. There are indeed some authors I need to have firsts in HC, but strangely Westlake/Stark is more preferable to me in paper, and in my collection of 100+ titles the only HC’s I have are Adios, Scheherazade (also in pb, I just like that book a lot, so decided when a nice cheap HC came my way I couldn’t say no…), Samuel Holt book 4, J.J. Carmichael’s Scared Stiff, and the 8 Starks of the second era, because a friend just gave them to me as a gift, and they aren’t that much taller than the pb’s of the original 20 they sit next to on the shelf!….maybe someday I’ll come to my senses, but I just don’t feel that collector bug anymore, now that I don’t have to find the books….much! Thanks for sharing your treasures here, though! Always grand to see the scarce ones!!
I do know what you mean about preferring paperbacks to hardcovers, Jeffrey. Certainly the early Stark novels seem to suit PB rather than HB, something I ruminated on in this post and, tangentially, this post over on Existential Ennui. But even though I do collect Stark paperbacks, there’s something about having bookshelves stacked with Westlake and Stark hardbacks which, for me, can’t be beat. Then again, I guess that speaks more to my psychological deficiencies than anything else!