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Great information This can be srepuior. The looked at different groups stuff therefore we are thunderstruck. We’re interested in this kind of areas. Model appreciate your hints, and profit your time inside this. Please keep updating. They are unique noteworthy spaces s
Just re-read FLASHFIRE a couple weeks ago, so I must say the shots of Chiklis’ Melander in clown make-up have me a bit puzzled. Am I forgetting something from the book?
Great information This is cenlairty wondrous. Some looked at and this content material so we are stunned. We are precisely attracted to this type of problems. Experts appreciate more sharing, and evaluate your precious time in this. Please keep cutting. They may be fact
Yeah Don, I too re-read it about a month ago and remember nothing about a clown. Something tells me it won’t be the only liberty they take with this adaption…
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Pictures from the filming http://lovelylopeznet.tumblr.com/post/8867163496/taylor-hackford-jason-statham-and-michael-chiklis
Great information This can be srepuior. The looked at different groups stuff therefore we are thunderstruck. We’re interested in this kind of areas. Model appreciate your hints, and profit your time inside this. Please keep updating. They are unique noteworthy spaces s
Just re-read FLASHFIRE a couple weeks ago, so I must say the shots of Chiklis’ Melander in clown make-up have me a bit puzzled. Am I forgetting something from the book?
Great information This is cenlairty wondrous. Some looked at and this content material so we are stunned. We are precisely attracted to this type of problems. Experts appreciate more sharing, and evaluate your precious time in this. Please keep cutting. They may be fact
^ I haven’t read this Parker book yet so I have no idea but the producer said on twitter that the script is “Faithful yet works on its own”.
And looks like they might not let them shoot in Palm Beach because of the subject of the film : http://www.palmbeachdailynews.com/news/producer-stratton-leopolds-request-to-film-movie-scene-1738881.html
more pictures from the filming: http://www.imagebam.com/gallery/7xnvmgnc1uhfnkj366u6xtf6jhlcg5x6
Yeah Don, I too re-read it about a month ago and remember nothing about a clown. Something tells me it won’t be the only liberty they take with this adaption…