Flashfire hits bookstores just as the movie based on it commences filming. The introduction for this and Firebreak are by critic and biographer Terry Teachout, who has been promoting the Parker novels for as long as I can remember. I’m hoping he’ll decide to do a Donald Westlake biography one of these days.
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What a nice thing to say!
…and if it plants an idea in your head, all for the better. Thanks for dropping by!
They’re only reprinting these two and not breakout?
I believe the issue is with the publishing rights. Breakout, Nobody Runs Forever, Ask The Parrot, and Dirty Money are still pretty easy to come by in hardcover and paperback, and I’ve seen them on Amazon for as little as a few dollars.
Can’t wait to go to the bookstore down the road from my apartment and pick these up Tuesday! I literally JUST finished Backflash on Friday. Perfect timing!