Ever since I started this site back in the olden days, I’ve gotten one question over and over again: Is anyone going to reprint the Grofield books? (If you’re not familiar with Parker’s occasional partner Alan Grofield, you can find out more by going here and clicking the links.)
And the answer was always “No.” Mysterious Press didn’t make it all the way through the Parker books, much less the Grofields. No one else showed any interest except for Hard Case Crime, who reprinted the one that fit their line best (Lemons Never Lie).
Well, that just changed. After the overwhelming success of the Parker reprints, the University of Chicago Press has decided to reprint the first three Alan Grofield solo adventures as well. They will be coming in the Spring of 2012. They are, of course:
- The Damsel
- The Dame
- The Blackbird
U of C is only reprinting the first three Grofields because Lemons is still in print from Hard Case Crime. U of C will, however, be releasing the digital edition of Lemons.
Thanks again to the University of Chicago Press for the great work they’re doing. To celebrate, I’ve broken open my dusty digital file cabinet to bring you this previously unposted German cover of The Damsel from (I think) 1969, sent to me by reader Manuel.
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Woo-hoo! This is excellent, exciting news! Thank you for sharing this Trent!
I am very relieved that I did not shell out the outrageous amount of money the old editions have been selling for on eBay.
Wow. What a pleasant surprise. I was just asking Trent if he knew anything about the Grofield series being re-issued anytime soon no more than a month ago. He told me no, and I was disappointed. Now this. What a difference a few weeks makes! Huge props to the U of C Press.
I have to say that for the last couple of hours i have been hooked by the impressive articles on this website. Keep up the wonderful work.