The contest Wallace Stroby and I put together to identify a reference in The Handle is drawing to a close. If you missed this earlier, details are here.
Entries will be accepted until midnight central time on Monday, April 11. I’ll be traveling, but will try to announce the winner from the road if I get any free time.
Good luck!
Also: Getting into the spirit of things, Peter Rozovsky at Detectives Beyond Borders spots a few more references in the works of Donald Westlake.
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Thanks for the mention. And thanks for the contest, which got me rereading — and in one case, reading for the first time — Westlake. I read The Handle for the contest and have since read The Score, Plunder Squad, The Hunter, Bank Shot, Nobody’s Perfect and, most recently, Butcher’s Moon. It’s like being giddy on crime-writing champagne.
Detectives Beyond Borders
“Because Murder Is More Fun Away From Home”