- Some Came Running posts about breasts in the film version of The Outfit. Lots of comments, unsurprisingly:
http://bit.ly/hMbBTR # - A very nice and detailed look at the film version of The Outfit:
http://sergioleoneifr.blogspot.com/2011/02/outfit-1974.html # - New crime series by Parker fan about Chinese-Canadian lesbian accountant. I’m curious. Email me if you’ve read the book http://www.thestar.com/article/945476–ian-hamilton-leading-a-canadian-crime-wave#
- Duane Swierczynski’s great Parker-influenced novel The Wheelman now available in French: http://bit.ly/ibSdhk #
- James Wolcott at Vanity Fair–The Sky Above, the Crud Below. Covers The Outfit (the movie) and Deadly Edge (the book): http://bit.ly/gPuKt6 #
- WalkerP (Olman Feelyus) at Olman’s Fifty on The Handle:
http://olmansfifty.blogspot.com/2011/03/12-handle-by-richard-stark.html #
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I could find nothing in that post about a Chinese-Canadian Lesbian accountant.
Copy and paste apparently failed. Link fixed.
The shocker is that it took a week and a half for someone to notify me of the failure on my part. I don’t follow my stats all that closely so don’t usually know who clicks what, but I know I woulda hit that hotlink!
I probably could have mention this earlier, but I just never got around to it.