- Gus Edwards at The Pulp Journals–Richard Stark and the Movies:
http://bit.ly/eabQq0 # - Lost Hammett found five miles from my house!
http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2011/feb/04/dashiell-hammett-unpublished-works-found # - Detectives Beyond Borders on The Maltese Falcon (thanks, Peter!):
http://bit.ly/hlnZEz # - 100 Greatest Posters of Film Noir, 20-11:
http://wheredangerlives.blogspot.com/2011/01/100-greatest-posters-of-film-noir-20-11.html #
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You’re welcome. I am told, by the way, that Hammett wrote a story called “The Hunter,” and I know he has the Continental Op use the alias Parker in “The Golden Horseshoe.” Emotionally distant detective, emoptionally distant thief … Hmm.
Detectives Beyond Borders
“Because Murder Is More Fun Away From Home”
Keep it coming, wrsteri, this is good stuff.