- SFFAudio podcast with guest Charles Ardai. Haven't listened to this yet, but looking forward to it: http://www.sffaudio.com/?p=26289 #
- Video for my brother's band squint's new track, "We All Break the Same." Getting some nice and deserved local airplay: http://bit.ly/fyvVJz #
- Noirboiled Notes on the first Quarry novel: http://noirboiled.blogspot.com/2011/01/review-max-allan-collins-quarry-aka.html #
- The Maltese Falcon is the greatest crime novel ever written. Not mentioned in this otherwise excellent post on Hammett: http://bit.ly/i8cTVk #
- Rest in Peace, Peter Yates, director of The Hot Rock and The Friends of Eddie Coyle: http://bit.ly/hKKq2a #
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I love the parker books and movies based on them (well some of them) as for not quite parker films I’m surprised that The Getaway with Steve McQueen hasn’t made the list. His Doc McCoy character is pretty close to parker.
That’s a section I’d like to put a lot more time into someday–it’s really underdeveloped at the moment.
I’ll add that to my long list of flicks to check out. Thanks!
Blame it on Westlake; he raved about The Thin Man. But I have made amends by rereading The Maltese Falcon since and by putting up a post about it. My Hammett jones rolls on.
Detectives Beyond Borders
“Because Murder Is More Fun Away From Home”