I have finally done a proper writeup of Comeback at the Comeback page. This is one I’m keenly interested in others’ thoughts on, so please comment if you’re so inclined.
Thoughts on Comeback postedI have finally done a proper writeup of Comeback at the Comeback page. This is one I’m keenly interested in others’ thoughts on, so please comment if you’re so inclined.
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Good review. It is right that Comeback is more lighthearted than most Stark books, but I expected that from Westlake since many of his books between Butcher’s Moon and Comeback (I did not read that many of that books) feature Dortmunderish characters and plots. But I would agree that Comeback is one of the better parts of the series because the Westlake-humour does not collide with the Stark-plot in my opinion. Especially at the end of Part three, the hotel room chapters are a fine combination of both styles and defenitly fun to read. Although much more of his humourous side would have ruined the book.
But I guess you found the right bottom-line for this one, since it is an entertaining and enjoyable book that by any means marked a good comeback.
BTW: The cover of the Parker Omnibus by Quercus from 2007 was never actually published by Quercus. They planned to publish it that way in the first place. But they eventually decided to publish the newer Parkers one by one.